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Saving Time by Asking Why
by Maria Gracia | Updated on September 22, 2024
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This is a story I first heard many years ago, but it still resonates with me
today. It’s a simple tale, but it carries a powerful lesson that continues to
shape how I approach so many things in life. I think you'll enjoy it, and
perhaps even find it as insightful as I did.
Once upon a time, a young child was in the kitchen, curiously watching her
mother prepare the family’s traditional holiday ham. The kitchen was filled
with delicious smells, and the excitement of the holiday was in the air. The
child watched as her mother carefully trimmed both ends off the ham before
placing it into the roasting pan.
Curious as children often are, the little girl asked, "Mom, why do you always
cut the ends off the ham before putting it in the pan?"
Her mother paused for a moment and smiled, "Well, sweetheart, I do it
because that's the way my mother always did it."
Still puzzled, the child decided to investigate further. She called her
grandmother later that day and asked, "Grandma, why do you always cut
the ends off the ham before cooking it?"
Her grandmother thought for a moment and said, "Well, that's the way my
mother always did it, and it turned out great, so I followed her lead."
Unsatisfied with that answer, the little girl, determined to get to the bottom
of this ham-cutting mystery, called her great-grandmother. With great
respect, she asked, "Great-Grandma, why did you always cut the ends off
the ham before cooking it?"
Her great-grandmother chuckled warmly and replied, "Oh, honey, back
when I was cooking for my family, the hams were always too big for my
baking pan. So, I had to cut the ends off just to make it fit!"
And just like that, the mystery was solved. It turns out, the practice of
cutting the ends off the ham had been passed down through the
generations, even though the original reason no longer applied.
So, what's the point of this story?
Sometimes, we go through our days following certain routines or habits
without ever questioning why we do them. We might be carrying on
traditions or methods that, at one time, had a practical purpose but no
longer serve us today. Often, we’re so busy doing things the way they’ve
always been done that we don't stop to ask ourselves if there's a better,
faster, or more efficient way to do them.
The story of the ham teaches us the importance of re-evaluating our
actions, whether in the kitchen, at work, or in our personal lives. Are the
things we do every day necessary? Could they be simplified or improved?
By taking the time to question our routines and habits, we can often find
better, smarter ways to achieve the same results, freeing up our time and
energy for more important things.
It's easy to fall into the trap of "that's just the way it's always been done."
But by asking why, by being curious and open to change, we allow
ourselves the opportunity to streamline our tasks, get rid of outdated habits,
and make room for growth and improvement.
So, take a moment today and think about the tasks you do without
question. Ask yourself, "Is there a reason I'm doing it this way?" And if that
reason doesn’t hold up anymore, consider letting go of that habit or finding
a better way. You might be surprised by how much time and energy you can
save when you break free from old patterns that no longer serve you.
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by Maria Gracia
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