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Time Management
3 Smart Scheduling Secrets
by Maria Gracia | Updated on October 13, 2023
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Scheduling can be a snap when you follow these 3 smart scheduling
Don’t overbook or underbook. There is a fine art to setting up an
effective schedule so that it is just full enough of the most useful
activities. Too full and you're liable to exhaust yourself. Too loose and
you're wasting precious time. Schedule realistically for the most
important people in your life, your priorities, goals, and most important
commitments, while leaving yourself time for relaxation and self-care.
Pad your time. If you think something is going to take 15 minutes to
complete, pad the time you schedule for that task by an additional 15
minutes. Most people grossly underestimate the time it takes to do
things. For example, if you schedule 15 minutes to get across town,
but you run into traffic, a) you're going to be late, and b) you're going to
throw the rest of your schedule off. Pad your time. If you finish the task
early, you're free to start something else or simply take a break.
Use the time of day that works best for you. Whenever possible,
schedule those appointments, projects, and tasks that require your
undivided attention at the time of day when you're most alert and
energetic. For some people, this time is first thing in the morning. For
others, it may be later in the day.
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Time Management
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Get Organized Now!
Website - Since 1997
by Maria Gracia
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