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Organizing A to Z
by Maria Gracia | Updated on November 8, 2023
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Organizing A to Z…now you’ll have all the important organizing concepts in
one simple list. Enjoy!
ACT - Don't put it off until later. Act on it now.
BREAK IT DOWN - Anything you have to do is easier when you break
it down into manageable parts.
CONTAINERIZE - Keep small items sorted and organized by using
see-through, plastic containers.
DELEGATE - Delegate to family members and work associates
whenever possible, use an outside company to outsource some of
your work, or use technology to your advantage. Take some of the
burden off your shoulders.
ELIMINATE - Get rid of clutter, both physical and mental. You'll breathe
easier and feel a sense of freedom.
FILE - Don't allow your paperwork to grow into a mountain. File it away
in an appropriate place if you need to refer to it again.
GIVE - Give the things you no longer use or love to a favorite charity
organization, a family member, or a friend. There are many people
who would be thrilled to receive your gifts.
HOME SWEET HOME - Find a home for everything you own, and
keep each item in its place. When you need something in the future,
you'll know its address.
IDENTIFY - Before putting items in boxes for storage, or when you're
moving, identify the contents by labeling the outside of the box.
Identify papers in file folders by clearly marking the tab of the folder.
JUDGMENT - Use your best judgment to prioritize your life. Be sure
you're spending the majority of your time on the important stuff.
KNOWLEDGE - Knowledge is power. In order to effectively organize
something, be sure you're using the organizing systems that will work
best for you.
LISTS - Make lists for things you have to do now and in the future.
Master Lists and To Do Lists will help you get things done. Packing
lists will ensure you never forget something again when you travel.
Shopping lists will help ensure you get everything you need at the
mall. Telephone lists will remind you of who you have to call this week.
MOTIVATION - A huge part of getting organized is motivation. Once
you're motivated, there's no limit as to what you can accomplish. Get
motivated by designating pending rewards for your accomplishments,
involving family members or friends in your goals, and by making
getting organized a game.
NO - It's so easy to get stressed when you have a million things to do
on your plate. If you're beginning to feel burdened with too much to do,
learn to say NO to some of those things.
ORDER - Rather than living in clutter and chaos, vow to live a more
orderly life. You'll know where everything is, and you'll complete
whatever you start.
PLAN AND PREPARE - While spontaneity every once in awhile is fun
and perfectly fine, having a good plan and effectively preparing will
help you reach your goals and deadlines so you can enjoy maximum
QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY - It is much better to have a few treasures
that you love and enjoy, rather than having lots of things you don't
particularly care for. Always think quality, over quantity, and you'll
simplify your life.
REMINDERS - Use little reminder devices throughout the day to help
you stay on track. Alarm clocks, timers, email reminders and sticky
notes are all excellent memory joggers.
SELL IT - Why not make some money by selling some of those
possessions you no longer want? Try a rummage sale, consignment
shop, or an online auction company.
TOSS - If you don't want it, and you can't give it away or sell it, toss it.
Make room for the things that you really enjoy or that make your life
UNUSED SPACE - Don't forget about the space in your home or office
that is often forgotten about, such as wall space for shelves, hooks for
hanging, or space under the stairs.
VISUALIZE - Picture how wonderful your life is going to be when
you're organized. Then strive to put yourself in that picture every day.
WRITE IT DOWN - Don't try to keep everything you have to remember
in your head. Write it down and refer to it when needed.
X MARKS THE SPOT - Place an X next to each item you accomplish
on your To Do List. At the end of the day, add up your Xs and
celebrate for getting so much done!
YOU - Don't forget to make time for YOU. Remember, an appointment
with yourself…time for you with no interruptions…should be one of the
most important appointments in your day.
ZONE IN - Really define what you're trying to accomplish so you have
a clear picture in your mind.
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Organizing Strategies
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Get Organized Now!
Website - Since 1997
by Maria Gracia
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611 Arlington Way, Watertown, WI 53094