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Monthly Organizing Checklist
Organizing Checklist December 2023
by Maria Gracia | Published on November 22, 2023
My NEW December Organizing Checklist provides an organizing TO DO
for every day of the month…
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__ Dec 1
Deck the halls. It's a great time to unearth your holiday
decorations and put them on display. If you have a lot, just
do a little bit each day…or consider donating some if you
feel you have way too much.
__ Dec 2
Stay within your holiday budget. Start a file for Christmas
receipts and keep track of your spending!
__ Dec 3
Don’t chance a backyard flood. If you live in a cold-
weather state, shut off the water supply to your outdoor
faucets. Disconnect hoses as well.
__ Dec 4
Declutter your kitchen pantry. Local food kitchens will be
happy to receive any unopened non-perishables, in cans,
boxes, or packages, that you have in excess and/or that
nobody in your family is going to eat.
__ Dec 5
Finish up any holiday shopping before the stores get
super-crowded. If you shop online, do so early so your gifts
arrive in time.
__ Dec 6
Get an early start on wrapping gifts. In fact, wrap as you
bring them home so you can do this project a little bit at a
time. Be sure to tag the gifts right away so you know what is
going to who.
__ Dec 7
Hanukkah begins at sundown. If you celebrate this
holiday, light the Menorah, say the blessings, and sing a
psalm. Wishing everyone celebrating Hanukkah a happy one
filled with every blessing possible.
__ Dec 8
Make your home smell like the holidays. Here's an easy
simmer pot recipe:
the peel from 1 or 2 oranges
2 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp whole cloves
small fresh Christmas tree branch or a few sprigs of
a handful of fresh cranberries
Add to a sauce pot, cover with water, simmer on low, and be
sure to check the pot every two hours. Add more water as
needed. Don’t eat…this is a nose-pleaser only!
__ Dec 9
Mail Christmas cards/Christmas letters if you're doing so
this year.
__ Dec 10
Behind on laundry? Use today to catch up.
__ Dec 11
Tidy the guest room. Hosting guests this holiday season? If
so, take today to tidy up the guest room. Be sure to make up
the bed with fresh linens and put clean towels in the guest
__ Dec 12
Clean behind the fridge if you haven't done so in awhile.
A vacuum, along with your vacuum attachments, usually
does the job. This is a two-person job. Don't try to move the
refrigerator on your own.
__ Dec 13
Get rid of toys the kids aren't playing with any more. Do
this before Santa brings new goodies.
__ Dec 14
Finalize your New Year’s Eve plans. Do you know what
you're doing for New Year's Eve. Today is a good day to
plan, even if you are ringing in the new year at home.
__ Dec 15
Say goodbye to any dish towels that have seen better
days. Replace with new ones. Do you have holiday-themed
versions to use? If so, it's a great time to dig those out and
begin using them.
__ Dec 16
Start using up what you have in the fridge and cleaning
out anything that is expired. Your mission: An empty fridge
before you start filling it with holiday foods.
__ Dec 17
Be sure your walkway is clear and safe, especially if you
live in a cold weather state. You don't want anyone slipping
on ice or tripping over the Christmas lights cords.
__ Dec 18
Clean your range hood. Give your range hood (the one
over your stove) some attention. It can tend to get very
greasy. Clean it well.
__ Dec 19
Dust ceiling fans. Use a long-handled duster to clean off
your ceiling fans.
__ Dec 20
Assess your coat closet. Go through your coat closet. Are
there any coats or jackets you can donate? Do you have
enough space (and sturdy hangers) for guest coats?
__ Dec 21
Catch those winter drips. Add boot trays near your
entry/exit doors. These are great for catching rain, snow,
slush, and salt brought in with wet shoes and boots.
__ Dec 22
Clean out your microwave. Add 1/2 cup of water and 1/2
cup of white vinegar to a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave
on high until the mixture comes to a boil and the window
steams up. Wait two minutes for the microwave to cool.
Wipe it clean with a microfiber cloth.
__ Dec 23
Be ready for power outages. Are you prepared for a power
outage? Always have portable flash lights, battery operated
candles, and portable chargers on hand. It's also good to
have a few gallons of fresh drinking water, as well as non-
perishable foods, in case of an emergency.
__ Dec 24
Follow Santa. Watch Santa's journey on NORAD with the
kids, or without. It's super-fun to know where he is in the
__ Dec 25
Merry Christmas! Wishing you and yours joy, magic, and
peace on this blessed day of the year.
__ Dec 26
Give everything you own a home. Begin finding homes for
holiday gifts you received and you plan to keep.
__ Dec 27
Don’t keep things you’ll never use or that you don’t care
for. Exchange or return any holidays gifts you received that
don't fit, don't align with your needs, etc.
__ Dec 28
Inventory your sweaters. Donate those that are in good
condition, but that you never wear. Get rid of any that are
beyond repair.
__ Dec 29
Donate excess decorations. Before you begin stowing
away holiday décor, donate any decorations you did not use
this year or no longer care for.
__ Dec 30
Stow any appliances you don't use most days. For
instance, I always keep my coffee maker on the kitchen
counter because we use it every day...but the food processor
(used just a few times a month) is stowed away in a cabinet.
__ Dec 31
Happy New Year's Eve. Have a wonderful time doing
whatever makes your heart happy. Be safe in everything you
do…and welcome 2024 with hope and promise.
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611 Arlington Way, Watertown, WI 53094
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by Maria Gracia
Organizing Checklists